
Ex Calgary cop John Dooks, has used his position as Manager of Investigations for the Law Society of Alberta, to commit corrupt and criminal acts. Those acts include obstruction of justice, criminal Breach of trust and more. Dooks has done so in order to protect other crooked police officers.

This is the workings of the Old Boys Network in full view. For 16 months John Dooks promised many times that he would do the right thing, it didn’t matter if it was a dirty lawyer or a dirty cop, he would do his job. John Dooks is a Liar. (more to follow)

1.: Also according to John Dooks… Rick Hanson the ex Chief of the Calgary Police Service and ex Detective Spencer Frizzell won’t be taking any steps whatsoever to have any of the contents (now or in the future) removed from this and my other websites. Their reason for not doing so, according to Dooks, is because they state they won’t be able to get any monies from me if they went to court. Dooks relayed this to me personally, at the offices of the Law Society of Alberta.

THE REALITY AND TRUTH IS THIS: They’re not going to file any Law suits for defamation when they know what’s published is the truth. And especially after having four (4) bogus criminal libel charges they and others laid against me, thrown out by the courts.

In fact, given their past history of crooked, criminal and corrupt acts, committed whilst they were senior police officers, they wont want to go anywhere near the courts, civil or otherwise. Not if they can help it.(much much more coming soon) also view page titled PROOF.

2. Dooks has in his possession mountains of evidence given to him in 4 lengthy meetings. Evidence that clearly show that ex Detective Spencer Frizzell, Dooks second in command in the Investigations Department of the Law Society of Alberta, is also an ex crooked and corrupt cop, who committed many criminal acts.

3. Spencer Frizzell as an ex Detective with the Calgary Police Service, allowed over fourteen criminal charges to be laid against me (John Kelly) even though Frizzell knew those charges were fabricated, false, bogus, a sham, lies, and orchestrated.

4. In the last meeting I had with Dooks, he stated to the effect that Frizzell could not be held accountable for any bogus criminal charges being filed against me as Frizzell had not been the one to sign the charge sheet presented to the court.

5. Later on that same day, Dooks further stated in an e-mail exchange ” I asked who laid the charges and you advised the RCMP laid the charges. I said it is reasonable then, he (Frizzell) had nothing to do with the wording of the charges or ensuring if the dates were correct or not. ”

6. John Dooks was solely blaming the RCMP for the bogus criminal charges laid against me. Dooks only reasoning being, that the charge sheet(s) were signed by officer(s) from the RCMP and not Frizzell.

7. My response to Dooks on this was… ” If you (Dooks) are standing by that assumption, would you also come to the assumption that if Frizzell was well aware of the charges being laid, and knew the dates were bogus, a lie not true, and knew that the charges were bogus, a lie not true, and did nothing about it. Then he (Frizzell) committed criminal act(s). ”

VERY IMPORTANT: Ex Detective John Dooks still refuses to answer to that and many more important questions placed to him.

8.  For clarity, I’ve made many requests for Dooks to remove himself from these matters. I’ve also accused John Dooks of doing his utmost best to suppress the filed complaint(s). However despite the very serious conflicts of interest and despite John Dooks being named in documents, he has steadfastly refused to do so.

9. Dooks has also refused to provide copies of the tape recordings of our meetings.

10. Numerous times Dooks has refused to provide the contact information of his superiors, made numerous promises then broke them, made numerous statements then retracted them, and much more. (details to follow)

11. John Dooks promised many times that he would do the right thing. He said it didn’t matter if it was a dirty lawyer or a dirty cop, he would do his job. John Dooks is a Liar…..

12. John Dooks is also a past President of the Calgary Police Association and he left the police service in 2012.

Please also review the page titled FRIZZELL.

Much much more on John Dooks coming soon: