1. The Arkinstall Inquiry which was recently held in Calgary looked into the now-infamous Arkinstall case, in which two Calgary Police officers were accused of using excessive force in an arrest, and then lying about it in court.

2. At the inquiry testimony was heard from a wide range of senior individuals from within the Calgary Police Service including their Professional Standards Section, the Calgary Police Commission and also Asirt.

3. The testimony heard at the inquiry backs up the evidence in my possession, and clearly shows that Ex Chief Rick Hanson’s corrupt reach, extended well into those organizations (and others). That Hanson used that reach to commit corrupt and criminal acts, and used that reach to cover up corrupt and criminal acts committed by others at his request. And also to cover up corrupt and criminal acts committed by many officers under his command. Also that Hanson had been doing so for well over a decade.

4. There is also ample evidence that Hansons reach also extended well into the Law Enforcement Review Board. That is of paramount importance and interest, as the Arkinstall Inquiry was conducted and overseen by the Law Enforcement Review Board themselves.

Much more to follow: