TRUTH 2POWER: The Honourable Justice Earl Wilson is one of the most respected Justices at the Court of Queen’s Bench in Calgary. Prior to becoming a Justice, he was a criminal lawyer who also acted for police officers.

In a hearing with Justice Wilson residing, he looked me in the eye and warned me in open court, that the Police and the Crown were out to jail me. He warned me that innocent people go to jail all the time. And stated that he (Justice Wilson) should know..

Justice Wilson was 100% right. The Calgary Police Service under Chief Hanson, the RCMP under Sgt Bartley, working in collusion with the Crown under Karen Hewitt, manipulated the justice system to their benefit, and had me wrongfully charged, wrongfully convicted and then wrongfully imprisoned for 30 months on 3 of those bogus charges.

TOM ENGEL CRIMINAL LAWYER: ” If instead of dealing head on with serious police misconduct you try to sweep it under the carpet, eventually it comes out and then it’s much worse than if you had dealt with it properly in the first place “. Tom Engel Lawyer, Alberta’s Criminal Trial Lawyers Association, regarding the Calgary Police Service at the Arkinstall Inquiry.

FEB 2019 PROSECUTOR JULIE SNOWDON ABOUT CALGARY POLICE: “ Offences involving police corruption are very serious and must be treated as such,” the Edmonton prosecutor told Calgary Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Bryan Mahoney. “These are offences … against the rule of law.” conduct such as this “undermine the public confidence in the police.”. “The stability of society rests on the integrity of police officers,”.. “The Criminal Code places great power in the hands of the police.”… “Police corruption tends to be a newsworthy thing. ”.

Good cops know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong, and they choose to do what’s good. Bad cops also know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong, but they choose to do what’s bad. The bad cops that will be profiled are very, very, bad cops.

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